Silver Service

Silver Service was created to allow IPs on a limited budget to access documents, help and support at a reduced rate and provide those who are not yet ready for a Gold Service visit to experience the benefits of being associated with Compliance On Call. Numbers are limited and priority is given to smaller practices.

For an annual fee of £1,250 plus VAT, you get the same access to our online documents that is included in our Bronze Service, plus the following:

  • A copy of our IVA and CVA packs – these are modular work programmes and supporting documents designed to augment the packages that most IPs already have.  They have grown over the years and are now fairly extensive, although we will never be completely satisfied, and will always look to add to them.  At the very least, they help to address most of the common SIP 3 .1 and 3.2 deficiencies that we see when visiting clients.
  • Secondary access to our email support service – Gold Service clients take priority and even they don’t get an instant response during another Gold Service visit, but as a Silver Service subscriber you will be able to email your queries and we will provide a response as soon as we can.  With the number of visits we do each year and the number of queries we answer, we can provide a lot of help, especially to sole practitioners or those in smaller firms where “discussions” on a particular topic have reached deadlock.  This would never replace legal advice when it is needed, but it could help you decide whether legal advice is a sensible precaution in certain circumstances.
  • We have to make it clear, however, that this is limited to technically complex queries and is not a short-cut to save you looking at the legislation or SIPs.  In addition to the confidentiality agreement required under the Bronze Service, there is a “fair usage” condition to prevent any misunderstanding about how much support we can provide.
  • We also provide some support around regulatory visits and complaints. We will comment on your proposed responses and try to help you get the best outcome, but more extensive involvement is only available to Gold Service clients.


We have a duty to put existing clients first, so Silver Service is strictly limited, ensuring that we can provide enough support to Silver Service clients and still honour our commitment to our Gold Service clients.

Our Silver Service subscription year runs from 1 May to 30 April, with no discount for a late start.  Anyone that would like to ask about signing up for Silver Service in April, ready for the next year, should contact Bill